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Voices capted between 1992 and 2015

Chamando_Fiorella_Lattaruli -

Two voices call me by my full name. The first voice says: "Chamando" (Calling),  the second says: "Fiorella" and the third voice says: "Lattaruli"

Ele é guarda no exército -

In this recording I ask news of a friend that I made on the other side and who used to talk to me. The answer: "Ele é guarda no exército" (He is a guard in the army)

Estamos na Terra -

I ask them about the spaceship and where would they be. The answer: "Estamos na Terra" (We are on Earth).

I ask them to say something about the house they live. Answer: "Castelo ótimo!" (Great castle!)

Castelo ótimo -

I ask again about the name of his city. The answer: "Atlantica" (Atlantica). And with which city Atlantica city was connected? Answer: "São Paulo e Atlantica" (São Paulo and Atlantica). I expressed a conclusion saying: - É isso! Atlantica e São Paulo se interligam e tudo se interliga formando o Todo! - and a voice says: "Bravo" I say I still do not know anything and a voice answers: "Você sabe" (You know).

Conversando sobre a cidade de Atlantica -

While I'm recording, I feel the presence of someone in the room and wonder where he is. The answer: "Estou em cima" (I'm on top)  and another voice says with an Italian accent: "Fiorella bella" (Fiorella pretty).

Estou em cima_Fiorella bella -

The repeated requests for me to give up smoking continues. The voice asks in italian: "Non fumare" (do not smoke) and other voice complements saying: "Completamente lasciare" (quit completely). I abandoned the habit once and for all in October 2014, after 50 years of smoking.

Non fumare_Completamente Lasciare -

I ask again in what year they are. A voice asks to another: "Posso passar?" (Can I tell?) The other voice replies: "Cala a boca, vecchia birbante!" (Shut up, old rascal!!). Another voice says: " Menina" (Girl) and another says: "Um beijo" (A kiss).

Posso passar_Cala a boca_Vecchia birbante_Menina_Um beijo -
Estava dormindo -

I ask if someone is available to talk to me: The answer: "Estava dormindo"  (I was sleeping). I apologized ...

A voice says: "Cigarro" (Cigarette) the second voice says: "Não" (No). I contest saying that I like. The following voice says in Italian: "Pero il papà a ragione, molta ragione" (But her father has reason, too much reason)

Cigarro_Não_Pero il papà a ragione_Molta ragione -

I ask if someone can talk to me, but as always I never know if they are sleeping or busy. A voice say: "Pisiu" and another tells me: "Você quer uma bronca?" (Do you want to be scolded?)

Psiu_Você quer uma bronca -

The recording starts with someone whistling and when he notices my presence and says: "Me desculpe" (I'm sorry). Then I ask if he is happy and answers me saying: "Feliz" (Happy!)

Assobio_Feliz -

In this audio a voice asks me:  "Fiorella, mande luz" (Fiorella, send light)

Fiorella_mande luz -

I ask them if the use of the radio helps the captation. Two voices answer me in Italian. The first says: "Fiorella" and the second says: "Radio non trasmettere" (radio does not transmit)

Fiorella_Radio non trasmettere -

A voice very, very soft seems to say: "Fumando muito" (Smoking too much.) Then I asked who's been smoking a lot. The first voice responds: "Você" (You) and the second says: "É claro!!!" (Of course !!!)

Você_E claro! -

Four different voices say my full name and say that I am the daughter of Mr Armando (my father's name was Armando).The first voice says: "Fiorella"  the second: "Lattaruli" the third: "é filha" (is the daughter) and the fourth says: "do Seu Armando" (of Mr Armando)

Ma tu me escuta -

I say: Today I am unable to hear very well, there is a lot of static. The answer:  "Ma tu me escuta" (But you are listening to me)

Fiorella_Setore 9_Piccola Statica -

I say: Today we also have quite a static. Answer: The first voice says: "Fiorella". The following voice says: "Setore 9" (Sector 9) then voices complement each other saying, "Piccola statica" (Small static)

I say that I talked to a person who was very sad, but at the end of our conversation she was feeling well and happy. I record four different voices. The first says: "Esse trabalho é bonito da tua parte". (This work that you do is very beautiful), The second voice says: "É vocação" (It's vocation),  and the third says: "Natural" (It's natural)

Esse trabalho é bonito da tua parte_ É vocação_Natural -

I say that I am sleepless. Two distinct voices answer me. The first says: "Um chá" (A tea) and the second adds saying: "Para a sua insônia" (For your insomnia).

Um chá_Para a sua insonia -
Fiorella_Lattaruli_É filha_Do Seu Armando -

I ask here on Earth we are in 2014, what year are you there? "Eu não te posso falar"  (I can't say).

Conviver com ela - t

I say: Sometimes it is difficult to live with this strong energy around me. The answer: "Conviver com ela"  (You must live with it)

Eu não te posso falar -

I ask: What the meaning of God in your opinion? Answer: "E Deus não existe"  (God does not exist)

E Deus não existe -
Gostamos de usted e usted va dar cierto -

I comment that I'm developing a project and I ask them to cheer for me. They reply in Spanish: "Gostamos de usted e usted va dar cierto" (We like you and everything will be alright for you)

Descansa -

I Say : Today I am very tired. Answer: "Descansa" (Rest)

I ask news of my mother (She was called Yolanda). The first voice says, "Yolanda" and the second adds saying: "Em paz tua mamãe" (In peace your mom)

ãesYolanda_Em paz tua mama -

I ask why they did not tell me about my mother’s death. The first voice responds: "Partida não sabia" (Passed away did not know). I say ok and we will retake our conversations. The second voice says: "Obrigado" (Thank you) and the third voice complements saying 'Amiga' (Friend).

Partida não sabia_Obrigado_Amiga -

I start the conversation by saying:  "Boa noite" (Good evening). Answer: "Boa tarde, viu?" (Good afternoon, ok?)

Boa tarde, viu? -

I ask news of my mother. The first voice says: "Yolanda" the second says quickly: "Su mãe" (Your mother) the third voice says, "Saudades" (Misses) and the fourth voice says: "Saudade" (Missing).

Yolanda_Su mãe_Saudades_Saudade -
E la sua barba? Come si può fare? -

Two talk to each other in Italian. One asks: "E la sua barba?" (And your beard? and the other questions: "Come si può fare?" (how can I shave myself?)

I ask them to take care of my brother. The first voice says his name: "Roberto" the second voice says my name, "e Fiorella," another low voice says our last name, "Lattaruli" , the third says: "Nós cuida"  (We care) and the fourth says: "Verdade" (It's truth) .

Roberto e Fiorella Lattaruli_Nós cuida_Verdade -

I ask if they are human spirits and a voice answers: "Não" (No). Then another voice says: "Não somos humanos" (We are not human) and shortly thereafter another voice says "Não" (No). I tell him I understood that they were not human and a voice responds saying: "Muita coisa tu entendes" (You understand a lot of things)

Não_Não somos humanos_Não_Muita coisa tu entendes -

At the beginning of recording, a voice seems to say very softly my name: "Fiorella" - then I hear a song and soon after a voice says in italian: "Senti, un angelo" (Listen, an angel)

Fiorella_Senti, un angelo -
Fiorella -

As I still have some doubts, despite so many years of contacts, voices always say my name. In this audio a voice says clearly: "Fiorella".

Voices told me that in their city passes a train. I hear on the record a train passing and whistling. While passing, it seems that a voice says:"O trem" (The train)

Trem -
Música tão boa -

I ask about the kind of music they prefer. A voice says: "Música tão boa" (Music so good).

I wonder how is their world. The first voice says: "Aqui tem" (Here we have) and the second adds saying: "Muita pace" (A lot of peace)

Aqui tem_Muita pace -

I say that I think I understood the issue about the spiral of time that contains the past and future, am I wrong? and the voice answered me saying: "Não está enganada" (No you're not wrong) another voice corrects me saying, "O tempo presente também" (Also the present time) I apologized and immediately say that the spiral of time has the past, present and future.

Não está enganada_O tempo presente também -

In July 2002, two days after the death of the great benefactor of mankind, the extraordinary human being Chico Xavier, on this day, I decided to record and ask if he was alright, without recording my voice. During recording I noticed a space and decided to record my voice saying: - God has him in full light - Upon hearing the recording, a voice says loudly: "Pelos anos de minhas obras" (For the years of my works), then another voice says low:. "Chico Xavier". Soon after, I record my voice saying: - God has him in full light. - and then a voice answered me saying: "Agradecido" (Grateful).

Pelos anos de minhas obras_Chico Xavier_Agradecido -

At the beginning of the recording I hear my name: "Fiorella", soon after another voice says: "Boa noite" (Good evening)

Fiorella_Buonasera -

I comment that I still have some difficulty to understand the issue of birth / death / rebirth. The first voice answers whispering my name, "Fiorella", the second voice says: "Passará o tempo" (The time will pass), the third voice says: "O seu coração" (Your heart), the fourth voice says: "Entender" (Will understand) and the 5th voice concludes saying: "De una maniera simultânea" ( in  a  simultaneously manner).

Fiorella_Passará o tempo_O seu coração_Entender_De una maniera simultânea -

I say that some of the information I have received are very clear. A voice says: "Você pode escutar"  (You can listen to) and then another voice completes the sentence saying: "Canal que lhe informa"  (The channel informs you).

In the beginning of a recording a voice comments: "É a Fiorella" (It is Fiorella) and another voice completes the phrase saying: "É bom" (It's good).

É a Fiorella_E bom -
Você pode escutar_Canal que lhe informa -
Fiorella_Mira l'alma -

At the beginning of the recording a voice says my name, "Fiorella" and the second voice completes the phrase saying "Mira l'alma" (Look to the soul).

Fiorella_Escute_Parlare con Fiorella - Unknown Artist

A voice says my name: "Fiorella" the next voice tells me to listen: "Escute" (Listen). The following voice wants to talk to me: "Parlare con Fiorella" (Talk to Fiorella).

At the beginning of a recording a voice says: "Su vida" (Your life), then another voice says: "Muita surpresa" (A lot of surprises), after a voice says quietly: "Fiorella"

Su vida muita surpresa_Fiorella -

When I begin the recording, a voice sings the phrase: "Com a voz do amor vou te cantar" (With the voice of love I will sing for you).

Com a voz do amor vou te cantar -

I start recording saying, The time goes by so fast there, right? The first voice responds: "Amore mio" (My love), the following applies: "Como a vida passa" (As life goes), then another voice ends by saying: "Aqui" (Here.)

Amore mio_Como a vida passa_Aqui -

The recording starts with a voice saying: "Hitler" then another voice says: "O diabo no está muerto" (The devil is not dead).

Hitler_O diabo no está muerto -

I ask what he thinks about suicide. The first voice responds: "Non si può cortar a vida" (We can not cut life) and two other voices say at the same time: "Non è una buona idea" (It's not a good idea).

Non si può cortar a vida_Non è una buona idea -

I ask about the meaning of life kin his opinion. The voice answers: "Significa amore" (Means love)

Significa amore -

At the beginning of the recording a voice says: "Que vida" (What a life) soon after another voice says: "A Fiorella te ouve" (Fiorella is listening to you)

Que vida_A Fiorella te ouve -

In the beginning of a recording a child voice that apparently scared with my presence says: "Assustar" (Scaring)

Assustar -

I ask if someone would have some important detail regarding to the future of the Earth. The first voice says: "Quero falar" (I want to talk) then another voice answers: "Tu non parlare niente" (do not say anything) and another voice ends in an extremely low tone:"Do Futuro" (of the future).

Tu non parlare niente_Do futuro -

I question about someone that passed quickly in my house corridor. The first voice says: "Fiorella" and the second confirms saying: "Mas ela te viu"  (But she saw you).

Fiorella_Mas ela te viu -

I ask about the Mother ship and the impact it will cause on humanity. The first voice answers: "The ship" then another voice says: "A lot of people will like" and another voice adds, "No they won’t"

Da nave_O mundo inteiro vai gostar_Não vai não! -

When I started the recording a voice says: "La nave" (The space ship) and then I hear a sound that starts softly, increases and then decreases, suggesting the sound of a space ship passing. Then I ask: what is the message and the answer is: "Nossa mensaje é off time" (Our message is off time)

La nave_Som da nave_Nossa mensaje é off time -

In the beginning of a recording I announce that I will disclose them on the Internet. The first voice responds saying: "Vá em frente" (Go ahead) and the next ends saying: "Obrigado"  (Thank you)

Vá em frente_Obrigado -

I say that I'm having trouble to understand exactly who they are, if they are spirits of dead humans or not. The first voice answers: "Você vai entender" (You will understand), and the second voice says: "Raciocina"  (You must think)

Você vai entender_Raciocina -
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